Monday, June 26, 2006
This is a Test
Hello? Do I still exist?
Yeah, I guess I do. I should probably say something, journal-like, about my whereabouts since April. I won't tonight.
Yeah, I guess I do. I should probably say something, journal-like, about my whereabouts since April. I won't tonight.
Monday, April 10, 2006
This is Funny
Just over a week ago, I purchased a subscription from the Chicago Tribune. The cost to me at the time was $2.25 per week for seven-day delivery. My roommate "Resident" recieved a letter from the Tribune today. They are offering him their "Limited-Time Pricing" starting at $0.99 a week. That, of course, is for three-day delivery. No surprise there. But here's the surprise: guess how much seven-day delivery costs in this limited-time deal? Yeah, $2.25 per week. There wasn't any indication on the Trib's website that I had stumbled onto a limited-time deal; the only basis for my price that I can figure out is my ZIP Code.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
This is Hodag. He is a cat. Last April, I was in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan helping to prepare the Scavhunt road trip. Nora found this cute little cat in the alley behind her apartment, looking cold and lonely. Her roommate's cat did not like this cat, so she took him to my apartment. When I got home that Sunday night, there was a cat. I fell in love with the cat, and decided to keep it. We named him Hodag, after the mythical Hodag of Rhinelander, Wisconsin. He has since grown into his name.

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Blogger vs Lynx (resolved)
Remember that one time I complained about Blogger not working from Lynx? You might not. It was back in October. Well, it appears to work now.
This post has been posted using Lynx
This post has been posted using Lynx
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Tuesday Bike Blogging
This bike appears to live in front of Henry Crown. At the very least, it is in this very spot every morning as I walk to campus.

As an added bonus, this was taken 9:00 in the morning. It's getting to the point where it's that bright that early in the morning. This makes me happy because it's not miserably dark all day anymore.quantum vortices

As an added bonus, this was taken 9:00 in the morning. It's getting to the point where it's that bright that early in the morning. This makes me happy because it's not miserably dark all day anymore.quantum vortices
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Tuesday Bike Blogging
Nora and I saw this bike parked on 53rd Street, when we were on our way to look at an apartment to potentially move into. It's really old; we couldn't quite figure out how old. But the snow around the bike, and lack of snow on the bike, suggests that it is still currently in use. It's also really short. The photo was taken with Nora's camera, so it is higher resolution than my other bike images.

My apologies if no other images show up; we've been having some issues lately, which Steven resolved by turning off Apache. Unfortunately, that server hosts all the photos I use on this blog. They will probably be down for a couple of days. This also explains why (and if) this image doesn't behave quite the same as my other images: I am using Blogger's image hosting facility to post this image.

My apologies if no other images show up; we've been having some issues lately, which Steven resolved by turning off Apache. Unfortunately, that server hosts all the photos I use on this blog. They will probably be down for a couple of days. This also explains why (and if) this image doesn't behave quite the same as my other images: I am using Blogger's image hosting facility to post this image.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Wine Link
I've been resisting the temptation for some time to post just a link to something, but California Zins are too good to pass up.
I don't have any opinion on this, except that Zinfandel might be my favorite variety of wine.
I don't have any opinion on this, except that Zinfandel might be my favorite variety of wine.