
Friday, April 23, 2004

Behavior Improves 

The svavhunt judges have gotten their act together. The scavhunt website is up.

Thursday, April 22, 2004


So in the past 1.5 hours, I've bothered Connor so much that he emailed me explaining that he personally is not in charge of the scavhunt website. Which I knew; he was just the easiest judge for me to annoy about it. But he also CC'd Kaury, who then sent me a reply explaining that they're registering teams via email this year. Okay, fine, I'll stop being annoying and play your little games. And then goto Spacetime and Black Holes (link to be inserted later).

Screwing Off 

Man, I really like this whole "class is canceled" thing. Lets me pretend I'm actually a good blogger, if only for the morning.

More Scavhunt 

In one fell swoop,Connor teaches us the power of images, both to enlighten and to inspire.

Oh yeah, he also points to one of the better arguments why my team is better than your team.

Blogging the Hunt 

Like Maureen, I will also be attempting to blog this year's scavhunt. With any luck, there will be others doing so as well. I'm personally aware of three judges with blogs. And I'm sure there's at least one blog floating around a couple of the other teams (Billmire's Scrod can't possibly be that much cooler than everyone else...or can we?) My ambitions run all the way up to each team having at least one blog, and the judges maintaining a blog. I'm also going to see if we can't get this advertised out into the non-UofC part of Blogistan.

In any event, I'm sure this year's scavhunt will be totally sweet. It's Barely Legal, after all. (Yes, that was a textbook example of gratuitous google-bombing. Why do you ask?)

It's Official 

I welcome into the world the Lush Puppies mk IV: the Federation of Independent Scavenger Hunt Teams trois: Deleuzean Potato Reloaded: Billmire's Scrod does Stony

Tremble in fear at our ghetto-fabulousness. Now if only the scavhunt folks could get their gosh darn website up, and let us sign up...

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


So apparently I'm playing Assasins with Breck... we start in about a hour and a half.

It would be nice if I have a gun.

Monday, April 12, 2004


Will Baude's got a good point.

(Link fixed! Happy day)

Monday, April 05, 2004

Google Bomb 

Sam informs me that the page for Soma's hunt over at UVa has overtaken our beloved scavhunt on the results page for Googling the word "scavhunt." This, he notes, requires rectification.

Friday, April 02, 2004

More Maroon 

It's not up on their site yet, but I'm in the Maroon again. One of our teamates here wrote up a story on our excursion to Virginia. We made the front page. Thanks, Libby!